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Bible Book


The Book of Genesis is by far one of the most fascinating in the entire world. It is impossible to summarize the entirety of it here, and every Christian should deeply study this book. Here is found the beginning of all things- the creation of mankind, humanity's fall, God's grace shown by the third chapter, the prophesy of the coming Seed of the woman, and so much more. We find here also the history of an ancient world now lost forever in the great Flood of Noah. The birth of nations and multiple languages are here too. These first pages of your Bible will record God's calling of Abram who will become Abraham-- the father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob who also gets a name change to Israel. The book ends with the drama of Joseph and his brothers. We learn of Joseph, once a slave in Egypt rising to power as second only to Pharaoh. And, finally the stage is set for the mass exodus of God's chosen (believers) from the land of Egypt (sin). In short, we have the first 2,000 years of Human history in just 50 chapters. 

And, yes, it is all true! In spite of the skeptic, evolutionist, humanist, and modern thinker, it is all true. Yes, there is a talking serpent found here. Yes, there are angles and giants to be found in these pages. 

Watch this page as it continues to grow, and if you can't wait, listen to Pastor James' podcast: “James Reed's FORGE” where a verse by verse survey can be found of this amazing book can be found.

Gen. 3:14-19- “Advent is a Time for Joy!”



Exodus 15:11 “The Holiness of God” (Attributes of God Series)


Matthew 1:18-25 “The Christmas Story According to Matthew”

Matthew 16:13–18 “Introduction to Church Revitalization” (Church Revitalization Series)

Matthew 21:1-11 “The Offices of Jesus” (Palm Sunday 2024)

Matthew 26:26-30 “How Do We Remember?”

Matthew 28:1-20 “The Power of the Empty Tomb”



Mark is the person we find in Acts (12:25; 13:5, 13; 15:37-39), and he is the one Peter calls his “son” in 1 Peter 5:13. In Acts 12:12 we find John whose surname was Mark. This is where we read that Barnabas and Paul took John Mark with them. Mark’s Jewish name was John, but it was customary at that time in history to add a Latin surname. Thus the Gospel of Mark is actually the Gospel of John Mark. John Mark was probably a disciple of Peter, and you can really get a sense of Peter’s personality in this action Gospel. Mark is here to give the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he doesn’t waste time doing it. He gets right to the point.

He accompanied Paul on Paul’s first missionary journey. We are not told what happened between Paul and Mark, but clearly something did happen. Mark quit the team and went back to his home in Jerusalem. This incident, whatever it was, seemed to stick with Paul. Later in Acts 15:36-40 we find that Paul and Barnabas were planning another trip to check in on the churches they’d planted. Barnabas was determined to bring Mark with them, but Paul did not want to take Mark. Paul did not want Mark who had departed from them earlier. But apparently Barnabas was insistent that Mark be chosen to come with them. In fact, Barnabas and Paul could not agree to the point that it tells us in Acts 15:39 that Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus while Paul chose Silas and they went through Syria and Cilicia. We should note at this point that Barnabas and John Mark were cousins and of the tribe of Levi. Sometimes family sticks together.

We should note that Paul softened toward Mark. 2 Timothy 4:9-11 is where Paul asks for Mark by name and states that Mark is useful in ministry. We should take a lesson from this. Friends, our brothers and sisters will disappoint us at times; however, look at Paul and Mark. By the time we get to 2 Timothy, something had changed in their relationship for the better. Paul asks for Mark. We must forgive. We must move forward with each other for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This is the Mark who gives us this Gospel. He is the one who departed from the missionary team and went home to Jerusalem. He’s the one that Paul didn’t want joining them the next time around. But, we see that God uses the ones that even Paul would have rejected. 

May we find here in this Gospel a renewed desire to tell the world about Jesus!


Mark 1:1-8 “Prepare the Way!”

Mark 1:9-20 “Getting On Mission”

Mark 1:9-20 “Vision and Mission” (Church Revitalization Series)

Mark 1:21-28 “The Authority of Christ”

Mark 1:29-45 “Four Action Points”

Mark 2:14-22 “Jesus- Friend of Sinners”

Mark 2:23-28 “Jesus Lord of the Sabbath- Lord of All”

Mark 3:1-5 “Lord of the Sabbath Part 2”

Mark 3:7-19 “Called Out of the Crowd”

Mark 3: 20-35 “It's a Matter of Opinion”

Mark 4:1-20 “Don't Just Hear- Listen”

Mark 4:21-25 “Turn On The Light”

Mark 4:26-34 “Seeds”

Mark 4:35-41 “The Wind and Waves Still Know His Name”

Mark 5:1-20 “Habits, Chains, and Freedom”

Mark 5:21-43 “The Tale of Two Daughters”

Mark 6:1-6 “A Prophet at Home”

Mark 6:7-31 “Rest in Christ”

Mark 6:32-56 “God's Provision is Christ”

Mark 7:1-23 “Heart Problems”

Mark 7:24-37 “The Mystery of Prayer”

Mark 8:1-13 “Sign Sign Everywhere a Sign”

Mark 8:14-30 “Jesus Opens Eyes”

Mark 8:31-38 “The Cost of Discipleship”

Mark 9:1-13 “The Glory and the Suffering of Christ”

Mark 9:14-29 “Evil Surrenders to Christ”

Mark 9:30-41 “Who Is The Greatest? Part 1”

Mark 9:30-41 “Who Is The Greatest? Part 2”

Mark 9:42-50 “What Jesus Requires”

Mark 10:1-12 “What Jesus Says About Divorce”

Mark 10:13-16 “Like a Little Child”

Mark 10:17-32 “What Must I Do?”

Mark 10:23-45 “Christ's Example of Humble Devotion”

Mark 10:46-52 “The Blind Man Who Saw”

Mark 11:1-26 “The Fig Tree and the Temple”

Mark 11:27-33 “A Question of Authority”

Mark 12:1-12 “The Kingdom In Crisis”

Mark 12:13-34 “Three Big Questions”

Mark 12:35-44 “The Son of David, The Son of God”

Mark 13:1-31 “Jesus Foretells the Future”

Mark 13:14-31 “Jesus Foretells the Future- Part 2”

Mark 13:14-37 “Jesus Foretells the Future- Part 3”

Mark 14:1-11 “The Covenant Offered”

Mark 14:12-31 “”The Covenant Solemnized"


Luke is not only the author of this Gospel which bears his name, but also the author of Acts. Both of these books are addressed to Theophilus, and while it appears that Luke was not an eyewitness of the events recorded in this Gospel, it is widely accepted that Luke was a man of culture, a physician (Col. 4:14), and someone who did the research to prove his claims.

The date of authorship is believed to be about 63AD. Acts ends with Paul still under house arrest in Rome. Surely if Luke know of Paul's death or release he would have written about it. Pastor James always favors an early date- the earlier the better! It is reasonable that this Gospel was finished well before 70AD. Luke shows no knowledge of Paul's letters, and he mentions the fulfilled prophecy of Agabus (Acts 11:28). If this Gospel was written after Jerusalem's destruction it is reasonable that Luke would have mentioned it as a fulfilled prophecy of Christ, just as he did with Agabus.

“Luke is concerned with salvation history, the story of what God has done in Jesus to bring salvation to sinners. Luke makes it clear that this salvation is available for sinful people. He has a strong concern for the disreputable, who were neglected in contemporary religion but could find peace in God’s salvation. Luke records a number of predictions of the suffering and death of Christ and devotes much space to it. He is sometimes said to have little interest in eschatology (the last things). This is scarcely fair to Luke, for the thought that the kingdom of God will come in power at the end time is certainly present (12:35–48; 17:22–37; 21:25–36).” [R. C. Sproul, ed., The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (Orlando, FL; Lake Mary, FL: Ligonier Ministries, 2005), 1452.]

Check back as this section on Luke will grow over time.


Luke 2:1-21 “The Christmas Story According to Luke”

Luke 4:14-30 “The Meaning of the Gospel”

Luke 10:Luke 22:15-30 “Why Do We Remember?”

Luke 15:22-32 “Come Home”

Luke 24:13-34 “We Were Hoping” (Easter, 2024)


John's Gospel is different from the other three in that John gives details-- RC Sproul says, “lengthy discussions of a single topic”. John writes in more of a conversational tone than the others. John is also unique in that He records very few parables in comparison to Matthew, Mark, or Luke. In John we find Jesus often interacting with His audience during Jewish feasts. This is significant because John points us to Jesus as the fulfillment of all these ordinances and commands. John also uses a contrast of light and darkness throughout his Gospel. Here, we find that Jesus was rejected by the Jews, not because He was a foreigner-- indeed He Himself was a Jew. They rejected Him because they loved darkness rather than light. May you be blessed as you contemplate the gospel of Christ as given through the eyes of John and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

John 1:1-5, 14 “The Meaning of Christmas”

John 3:16-21 "Do You Want To Know What Love Is?

John 14:27 “Advent is a Time for Peace”

John 15:12-17 “Advent is a Time for Love”


In John Calvin's dedicatory epistle to the second edition of his commentary on the Book of Acts he stated, “When we talk about the Kingdom of Christ, we must take note of two things in particular, first, the teaching of the Gospel by which Christ gathers the Church to Himself, and by which He governs it when it has been gathered; secondly, the actual fellowship of the godly, who, having been united among themselves by the sincere faith of the Gospel, are truly regarded as the people of Christ.”

When we read the Book of Acts, we should keep in mind the power of the gospel. Not only does the gospel teach of salvation through Christ, but it teaches us that we are united together in His Church. We are His people, but we also are now brothers and sisters in Him. What we find in the Book of Acts is not only this power and unity, but we also see that when Christ ascended into heaven, He did not leave us. Indeed, we find in this great book of action the birth of His Church, the Holy Spirit descending upon men, miracles, and the expansion of the gospel message to Gentiles. This only scratches the surface. 

There will be more to come at some point in the future concerning the Book of Acts. At GMCC we go through Books of the Bible verse by verse, so it can take time. For now, may this page be an encouragement to you.


Acts 2:14-24 “The Transforming Power of Christ”

Acts 13:13-48 “A New Pastor"

1 Corinthians

First Corinthians is written to a church that had problems. In this letter we will find instructions on unity, servanthood, morality, marriage, men and women in the church, the Lord's Supper, Spiritual gifts, the resurrection, and a few other topics. Currently, the only messages we have out of this Book of the Bible are ones on the Lord's Supper. May these messages give each of us pause when we come to His table.


1 Cor. 11:23-25 “What Do We Remember?”

1 Cor. 15:1-28 “Gospel and Christ Centered Ministry”

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 7:10-11 “A Call to Repentance” (Church Revitalization Series)


Some have called the Book of Galatians the “Magna Carta” of spiritual liberty. Indeed, it was a study of this very book which effected Martin Luther in a most profound way. He stated, “The epistle to the Galatians is my epistle. To it I am, as it were, in wedlock.” It was his study of this book which led him to believe in justification by faith, not of works.

My goal is to at least read each verse of Galatians while keeping a focus on the main themes. I do not claim to have dug down to the most exhaustive depths of the Book of Galatians, but I have hoped to equip our local Body of Christ to go out into our community proclaiming the good news of God's grace.

May this series be a blessing to you!


Gal. 1:1-5 “Christ- His Message and His Church”

Gal. 1:6-10 “There Is Only One Gospel”

Gal. 1:11-24 “Set Apart for the Gospel”

Gal. 2:1-10 “Defending the Gospel”

Gal. 2:11-14 “Justification By Faith”

Gal. 2:15-21 “The Two Pillars of the Gospel”

Gal. 3:1-9 “Sola Fide”

Gal. 3:10-14 “The Curse of the Law”

Gal. 3:15- 18 “God's Promises Are For Keeps” (Taken from James Reed's FORGE Podcast.)

Gal. 3:19-22 “Why Do We Have the Law?”

Gal. 3:23-29 “Before and After”

Gal. 4:1-20 “We Are Family”

Gal. 4:21-31 “Two Covenants: Hagar and Sarah”

Gal. 5:1-15 “Freed By Christ”

Gal. 5:16-26 “Works of the Flesh or Fruit of the Spirit?”

Gal. 6:1-10 “Restoration, Reaping and Sowing”

Gal. 6:11-18 “I Rest My Case”



Ephesians 4:11-24 “Discipleship and Small Groups” (Church Revitalization Series)

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1:3:11 “The Primacy of Preaching” (Church Revitalization Series)


The Book of Hebrews establishes the superiority of faith in Jesus Christ over all other false religions and faith traditions, especially Jewish ones. If we were to cover this book from its beginning, we would find the case is made for Christ’s superiority to prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, Aaron, Levi, and all figures from Israel’s history. The writer of Hebrews shows us that the salvation Jesus brings is superior to anything attainable within Israel under the old covenant. This is a great book for all Christians to study because of how it treats the subject of Christology —the study of Christ. There is a clear representation here of Jesus as fully God, fully human, and our great High Priest. (From John MacArthur's New Testament Commentary.)


As always, may this study be an encouragement to you as you walk with your Savior!



Heb. 12:1-3 “The Great Race of Endurance”


Revelation 2:2-5 “Connect to the Past” (Church Revitalization Series)

Revelation 15:1-4 “The Holiness of God” (Attributes of God Series)